Bulletin - Vol. 61 No. 3 September 2024

Namadgi 40th anniversary issue:

A 22-page feature celebrating the gazettal of Namadgi National Park in 1984 as ‘a park for the people’ 


Pumped hydro a growing threat to national parks

 Concerns over environmental damage being caused by Snowy 2.0 have put the focus on other pumped hydro projects, including Queensland Hydro’s proposed Pioneer – Burdekin Pumped Hydro Project.

Combined action needed to protect ACT peatlands

A look at the successes and challenges facing peatlands in the ACT, including NPA’s involvement in an education and community campaign to manage threats to High Country wetlands in the Territory

 Wild dogs and dingoes – what the DNA says

Dingoes in Namadgi National Park are challenging perceptions about what dingoes look like, particularly in eastern Australia

Two new life members

Two members who together have so far contributed a total of 65 years of service to NPA have each been awarded a life membership.

Plus much  more

 Download Vol61No3Sept 2024