Bulletin - Vol. 61 No. 4 December 2024
Aurora Australis at Wooroonook Lakes, Vic. Photo by Mike Bremers

By kayak down the Murrumbidgee

Mike Bremers reports on his latest kayaking adventure down the Murrumbidgee, leading as party of five on a paddle from Darlington Point to Carrathool Bridge

Approaching Eastern Toba Pass. Photo by Philip Gatenby

Tobavarchkhili Lake: hiking in the Egrisi Mountains of Georgia

 Philip Gatenby reports on a hike of many highlight in the ‘mysterious’ trans Caucasian country of Georgia

Remembering the forgotten river

A major ‘rescue’ program is underway to save the strong social, cultural, ecological, economic and recreational values of the headwaters of the Murrumbidgee

 A grand design

Lake Burley Griffin celebrated its 60th anniversary in October. Former environmental planner Kevin Frawley reflects on the lake’s history and the battle to create the lake as we know it today

Plus much more

Download Vol.61 No. 4 December 2024