NPA ACT will lead an education and community campaign as part of a major program to manage threats to High Country wetlands in the ACT.
The program, ‘Managing threats to high country wetlands’, is being facilitated by ACT Natural Resource Management and is funded through the Australian Government’s Regional Development Partners Program. The project will run over four and a half years.
NPA’s role will be to deliver community engagement activities through workshops, public presentations, online forums and work parties, and to engage the community through our social media, articles in the quarterly Bulletin, and outreach programs such as the Tidbinbilla Open Day.
The overall aim of the project is to improve the condition and conservation management of the threatened alpine sphagnum bogs and associated fens ecosystem within the ACT. This includes the Ginini Flats Wetland Complex Ramsar site, which is listed as threatened under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. The project will build on efforts to restore habitat and vegetation initiated after the 2020 bushfires.
The project will involve pest and weed control, installing leaky weirs at strategic sites to improve bog water-holding capacity, and sphagnum translocation and propagation to improve its establishment and thus enhance bog water quality.