Saturday walk - South Bullen Range-Bushwalks and outings

Saturday walk - South Bullen Range - 20 Apr 24

Saturday walk - South Bullen Range

South Bullen Range and ‘Calvary’. 

Lovely views of TNR and the Tidbinbilla Range. Walk fire trail and off-track through Barnes Hill onto the south Bullen Range. Turn down west through shrubby country to ‘Calvary’, a pisé homestead ruin built c1870. Further down to the west in open going, we’ll visit some lovely grass trees near Larrys Creek. Return is through the Miowera Pine Forest. Around 16 km and 450 vm of climb. A joint outing with CBC.

Register online by Tuesday 16 April.

Map: Tuggeranong, Tidbinbilla 1:25000

Grading: 3A/B/C

Drive: 20 km, $9 per car

Leader: John Evans

Enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 0417436877

Event Information

Event Date 20 Apr 24
Cut Off Date 16 Apr 24
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 0
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event