Join or renew

Joining (or renewing with) the NPA ACT

New members are always very welcome. The more members we have the louder is our voice supporting our National Parks.

New Applicants

Please complete the application form.


If paying by:

Subscription fees

NPA Bulletin by
email only
NPA Bulletin by
post, email or both
single adult$22$38.50

Concession = full-time students and pensioners.

Annual subscription rates are from 1 July to 30 June. If you are joining between 1 April and 30 June you will be paid up through to 30 June of the following year.

You can download the application form in Word format (25KB) or PDF format (63KB)


We depend on the generosity of our members and supporters for their donations and bequests to fund our environmental activities and programs. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.

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